
Jewellery? It’s all in your perspective. The inter-relationships – connections and tensions – between science and art have been an ongoing source of inspiration. Not just the disciplines, their immediate concerns and broader contexts, but also how together they affect the way I think about and operate in the world. My studies in contemporary jewellery…

Channelling my inner Dionysus

The Reservoir by Terrence Rosenberg is a very exciting paper exploring the differences between scientific (Apollonian) and poetic (Dionysian) research methods – a source of ongoing inspiration and intrigue for me – and the critical role each has to play in creative practice. Working hard to channel my inner Dionysus.

Before s*** started getting crazy

…both inside and outside of the workshop  (thank you Katie Brown for the inside excitement!!) – photo credits: Katie & Brierley DAY ONE… DAY TWO… State of emergency in Whanganui put paid to studio plans today. Far more important things for people to be worrying about. I will return though! (photo credit: David Unwin, Fairfax)


The last three years has been incredibly rewarding, but extremely intensive. Getting into the great outdoors has been a big part of my re-invigoration process prior to launching into new projects for our grand finale exhibition at the Dowse Art Museum in August. These photos were taken on the way up to/at Lake Mavis in Arthurs…

Wiggle Room

It has been such an honour to be exhibiting alongside Sarah Maxey, Matthew McIntyre Wilson and Moniek Schrijer in this group exhibition at Bowen Galleries. We were keen to find a way to integrate our works and settled on a domestic setting – allowing for a range of wall works, publications, wearable and non-wearable objects…

Website updated

The exhibition at Platina in Sweden, and the launch of my first official artist book On the Origin of Species provide a great incentive to refresh my website. I was aiming for something simpler and cleaner with more focus on imagery as opposed to text. While I’m still uploading content and tweaking the layout, the bones…


Thanks to some speedy smooth talking from Sofia, the works were released from customs in the nick of time. Not being on site to participate in the install, opening and general shenanigans was much harder than I expected. To help make up for it, I had my own personal opening celebration here in Wellington with…


Despite best efforts, my work has got held up at customs in Sweden. Sofia is going to do her best to get it released before the show opens on Saturday, but I will have to be philosophical if not. Perhaps this is just another example of environmental forces impacting on survival of the species. A bit…

Mass migration

Photo: Jean Ange In the Objectspace work I was looking at the evolution of a body of work following a make-remake process, including what happens to the direction of the work when external forces (in this case Ruudt!) come into play. For Platina I am curious about what happens when works get released into a…