Loss Ritual

Installation shots of my work for Handshake 3: Reflect at the Dowse Art Museum   Kathryn Yeats Kathryn Yeats is interested in rituals of loss, which often include the use of jewellery. For this installation, she has created a grieving ritual that stems from her own experience of miscarriage, a form of loss which is…

Intimate moments

  Working with Dialogue Collective has been a great experience.  Playful, experimental and social. Interactions between the groups have traveled back and forth across the world, ending with a concept focused on the idea of laundry lines strung between buildings connecting neighbours. The notion of laundry led me to an exploration of private worlds, underwear…

Residual Traces

Objects and the traces left behind them. I) Construct – Chalk line mapping out constructions.  Transient markings turned into structures. II) Shelter – Channels directing rain, leaving the impression of protection. III) Collapse – Returning to the beginning after a life, materials shedding and collapsing back into the surroundings. Cycles, change, what is built, what…

Circles on the other side of the world

Having discovered the existence of online antipodes maps (maps which show you one place and then the place directly opposite it on the globe) naturally I had to see what was opposite my house.  This is what I discovered: A beautiful piece of Spanish farmland.  At first I was a bit disappointed that it wasn’t…


  Integument, Storm, Recess, Periphery, Interior, Husk, Boundary, Intramural, Plastron   I’m interested in structures, enclosure, protection, and shelter; the workings of time on the monumental and on the minutiae of everyday life; and the control and separation of public and private spaces.


  I’ve been working on my pieces to send over for the exhibition at Platina in Stockholm. They are quite domestic, protective shelters weathering adversity;  fire, water and the ravages of time. The pieces seem quiet to me, which is fine, I’m feeling peaceful and quiet.   I’m a little sad not to be going…

Objectspace Collaborative Exhibition

Here are the finished images of Ben and my collaboration at Objectspace.  The chair I selected and modified using parts from Ben’s chair is the floral print chair entitled Transplant/67503288 and Ben’s chair is the steel and timber stool entitled Transplant/5084110. When we installed the works we wanted them to seem like the two chairs…


Ben and I have been working on our collaborative piece for the Objectspace exhibition. After our first collaboration we were tossing around some ideas about how to continue this collaborative process of throwing an unexpected spanner in the works.  We were considering sculptural display methods for our work, Ben said he could imagine some really…

Between the pages of books

One of the things which came up during my masterclass crit was that my work would benefit from having more story and subject matter incorporated into it. I was very comfortable with this critique as I have been working on narrowing my practice and consolidating my visual language.  My work was all over the place…


Contemplating, disseminating, anticipating, excavating, razing, retaining, possessing, narrating, marking Ben Pearce – Timber, Kathryn Yeats Objects, Brass, Wire Kathryn Yeats – Timber, Ben Pearce Objects, Plaster Resin, Graphite, Linen, Paper The process begins with letting go of things: experiments, materials and objects which haunt the studio.  It begins with making peace with the passing of…