Proof that we exist – Objectspace collaboration outcome

Handshake 3 at Objectspace, Auckland. July -August 2016

Under the the umbrella of an exhibition that is about collaboration, Nichola and I decided to explore new territory together and create a kind of document – one that charts the space of getting to know and work with one another. Our underlying thread was of fragments, including exchanges of words, images, ideas, and experiments – not looking definitively for a jewellery or object based outcomes but exploring the framework/internal logic that goes on behind it.

HS3.1 DAdamson NShanley_book 1_proof we exist_as is or to be cropped if needed

Debbie Adamson and Nichola Shanley, with Aaron Beehre.
Proof that we exist (detail images), print, paper, pencil and mixed media. 2016

‘In opening to us the details of their shared process, Debbie Adamson and Nichola Shanley affirm the relationship developed through collaboration as constituitive in and of itself, a territory neither, either / or, not you or me, but a new body of practice which emerges through exchange. We. In this work the daily textures of the makers everyday experience—the slippage of moments, mood and memory—move in and out of reflections regarding their making processes. At one point Adamson paraphrases jeweller Kobi Bosshard, his notion that there must be room remaining in a piece of jewellery for the wearer to inhabit. In a sense their development of a diary form mirrors this. Allowing audience to come close to the nuance of the work which vibrates at the intersection of making and daily life.’


Extract from: Objectspace publication on the occasion of ‘Handshake 3: 12 contemporary jewellers and their collaborators. 2016.

Gallery view

Handshake 3 (gallery view). Objectspace 2016.


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